Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to our online journal

We are citizens interested in the progress of St. Louis Public Schools. We will use this powerful and independent medium of communication to focus public attention on the good things that are happening in St. Louis Public Schools. The school district's administrators, teachers, and students do a noble job but all that is overshadowed by the mass media and the naysayers who predominantly focus on the negative or unfavorable factors when it comes to St. Louis Public Schools. Is there any institution that is free of problems? The answer is emphatically no.

Our online journal, which is not affiliated with St. Louis Public Schools, will document every positive achievement of St. Louis Public Schools and share it with the general public. Our objecive as citizens is to counter the negative publicity which some intererest groups have always used to oveshadow the many wonderful things that always happen in St. Louis Public schools. We'll corroborate our information by quoting the source.

We'll provide our analysis and perspective on most articles we post.

Please support St. Louis School District and its superintendent, teachers, and support staff so that they can resolve the academic, fiscal, and management problems of the past many years. Given time, patience, and support we believe these problems can be solved.

Parents and St. Louis Citizens who support St. Louis Public Schools. Look at the bright side of St. Louis Public Schools.

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