Sunday, December 14, 2008

Roosevelt JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team to salute Obama at inauguration

In many respects, Jan. 20, 2009 will be a day like any other for the Theodore Roosevelt High School Marine Corps JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team.

That’s because every day that Master Sgt. (Ret.) Isiah McHellen, senior military instructor at Roosevelt, drills his team, he expects its performance to be satisfactory for appearance before the president of the United States.

On Jan. 20, the Roosevelt Color Guard and Drill Team actually will be one of a select few marching bands from across the country, selected from an unprecedented applicant pool of nearly 1,400, that will honor and salute the new President of the United States, Barack Obama.

“I will prepare them to present themselves the same way as always: with military etiquette and leadership,” McHellen said of his team’s invitation to participate in the 56th Inaugural Parade in Washington, D.C.

As a 41-year-old U.S. Marine Corps veteran of 22 years, McHellen knows that every time you present yourself in a uniform that represents the U.S. armed forces, you are called to honor, and every time you salute a flag, you are saluting a symbol of the nation as important as the president himself.

“We will not vary from our curriculum at the inauguration,” McHellen said. “This is the way our curriculum is designed n this is what is expected when we are in the public limelight. This is what we teach.”

McHellen did relent, a bit, from his steely Marine Corps calm to say, “We are very proud to be a part of such a prestigious event, especially such an historic event.

”The young cadets in his charge were much less reserved in their response.

Cadet Major Miquel Pendelton said, “Chills ran through my body because of the magnitude of this historic event.

”Cadet 2nd Lt. Terrence Williams said, “I am overwhelmed and thankful to be a part of such an historic event!”

The man they will honor has in turn expressed his pride in the participation of the high school students, including one other team from Missouri, the Blue Springs High School Golden Regiment Marching Band.

“I am honored to invite these talented groups and individuals to participate in the Inaugural Parade,” President-elect Obama said.

“These organizations embody the best of our nation's history, diversity and commitment to service. Vice President-elect Biden and I are proud to have them join us in the parade.

”U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, who called McHellen personally to share the good news with him last Friday, also expressed pride in the Roosevelt youth.

“These students will be representing thousands of young Missourians who are making good choices every day and represent our future. I congratulate them on this honor,” McCaskill said.

When McHellen shared the news with Roosevelt Principal Terry Houston, the principal promptly made an announcement on the school’s public address system.

Houston n who was named 2008 Principal of the Year by the St. Louis Association of Secondary School Principals, and 2008 Principal of the Year from Teach for America n is responsible for McHellen being at Roosevelt to teach drill and leadership to these youth in the St. Louis Public Schools.

A native of Jacksonville, Fla., McHellen retired from the U.S. Marines in 2006 after 22 years of service with the rank of master sergeant n and the urge to teach.

“I knew I wanted to go to an inner-city school with a leadership program,” McHellen said.

He kept an eye on a U.S. Marine Junior ROTC website that lists vacancies, and Roosevelt “happened to have an opportunity.” He called and spoke with the principal. Before long, McHellen and his wife Dorothy and the three of their six children who still live at home were on their way to St. Louis.

“Terry Houston shared with me the challenges and his vision of the school. He wants to change the culture of the school to one of positive educational experience. He wants to convince them all opportunities are available to them through hard work and education,” McHellen said.

“I thought I could make some differences with the young men and women here.

”Now, Barack Obama n the perfect symbol of the opportunities Houston is trying to teach at Roosevelt n has agreed with him.

The Roosevelt Color Guard and Drill Team is raising funds to pay for its trip to Washington. Anyone interested in helping or contributing should contact McHellen at or call 314-776-6040 ext. 6535. Financial contributions as well as home stay opportunities in the D.C. area are welcome. Courtesy of Chris King, the St. Louis American Newspaper, December 10, 2008.

Our Comments: Compliments to the Theodore Roosevelt High School Marine Corps JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team for participating in this historic inauguration. This is a wonderful achievement for St. Louis Public Schools.

Parents and St. Louis Citizens who support St. Louis Public Schools. Look at the bright side of St. Louis Public Schools.

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